Peony Lim x Chanel – Country Horse
Saving the best till last, for the final post in my Peony Lim x Chanel week, the focus is on this beautiful sequinned dress from the Paris-Dallas collection. You might have seen this piece in Chanel’s adverts.
Although I have to say, I was really in love with the hat and bag. They were so effortlessly perfect, in a way only the french can create.
This shoot, featuring this beautiful bay horse was one of the most complicated Kit and I have every attempted. For a start, I no longer have horses, so I had to find one (harder than you would think), not to mention persuading Kit to come into a paddock of loose horses with me, (as an urban bell, she wasn’t very keen on the possibility of being kicked – who would be?!), but we got there in the end. I hope you enjoy the photos enough to have made it worth while.

What I'm Wearing
All clothes and accessories Chanel,
from the Paris-Dallas Pre-Fall 2014.
See the other posts in this series here…