Ham and Cheddar Pullapart Bread
Filled with melted cheese, a crunchy top and moist ham, it’s no wonder this bread is an absolute favourite. I try not to make it too much so that it stays a treat! I had a version of the recipe on the site before but I didn’t like the pictures so I thought it was nicer to redo it. You can also roll the dough into a coil if you prefer. Tinned dough is an excusable cheat in a rush. I love to use homemade Candy Ham.

What you'll need
500g Wrights Premium Bread Mix
300ml Warm Water
200g Sliced Mature Cheddar
130g Finely Sliced Candy Ham
Honey Roast Ham

- Preheat your oven to 220°C.
- Mix the dough to the instructions on the pack. I use a Kenwood mixer with a dough hook for the first knead, allow it to rest for 15mins and then hand knead to get to this stage.
- Allow to rest and then stretch to make a tube 20cm by 40cm. Cut the dough lengthways in half and then into 16 balls in total.
- Using your hands flatten these balls into 2cm thick sheets.
- Using a loaf tin, layer the Bread Dough, Cheese Slices and Ham vertically until it fills the whole tin. If your Ham has fat keep this on the top of the loaf so that it can crisp in the oven. I use this order for the layers… bread, cheese, ham, cheese, repeat…
- Once you have filled the tin, cover it with a damp cloth and leave to rise for 40mins in a warm dry place.
- After this is should be about a third bigger.
- Bake the bread at 220°C for 30mins.
- At this point check the loaf and cover it with tin foil to protect it and return it to the oven for a further 10mins, or until it sounds hollow when you knock it with you hand.

This bread is epic toasted. You can use a toaster or for something really indulgent fry it in a little butter.

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