DIY Gucci Inspired Feather Jeans
I found this old Gucci ad on Pinterest and it made me think how much I missed Tom Ford there, so in an attempt to bring him back, I though I would create a little DIY project in honour of these jeans. Although there are quote a few steps to this tutorial it really is easy and can be done with no sewing skills at all. I hope you will give it a go. The point of the velcro is to allow you to still wash the jeans, by being able to remove the feathers. However if this doesn’t seem that important to you skip steps 8-11 and just attach the feathers directly onto the jeans.

What you'll need
A pair of old Loose fit (boyfriend fit) jeans
Approximately 75cm of Feather Trim (available here)
a Pencil
1m White or Brown Ribbon
Bondaweb Strips (sometimes used for fast hemming)
Fabric Glue
Large Paper Clips
Greaseproof Paper
An Iron

- To begin, put your jeans on and stand in front of a mirror, mark where your knees come to and slightly below with the pencil. Then fold up the jeans to the desired length (they should skim your ankles).
- Take the jeans off and lay them on a table. Draw with the pencil lines where you want the knee rips to be and in the shape you want.
- Then measure an equal length with the ribbon and repeat on the other leg.
- Take your fabric scissors and cut off the access length leaving a raw edge to the bottom of the leg.
- Pinch and cut the fabric along the lines you have made for the knees. Don’t over do this or you will end up with a huge hole, keep the slices at least a centimetre apart.

- Now wash your jeans on the quickest wash you have. This will produce the rips on the jeans at the knee by removing the connecting threads. Allow to dry completely.
- Take your jeans and the feather trim and check the length of the feathers, you want to be able to still see the raw denim edge under the feathers. Mark with a pencil the lowest point the feathers could be attached on the back of the jeans in order to still see the edge. Then take the ribbon and pin it into shape (this just helps to create a more natural curve but you can go free hand) and draw with the pencil onto the jeans the shape you want to feathers to make. This should be an arch with the highest point in the middle on the front of your leg and the lowest opposite on the back.

- Cut your velcro into for strips. You now need to attach it to the jeans, you could hand stitch this or use a machine, if sewing isn’t your thing not to worry take your bondaweb strips and iron them onto the velcro (using a low heat) and then pin and iron then on to the jeans.
- Now you want to trim the feathers with ribbon, take the ribbon and face both sides of the top of the feathers with it. Again you could hand stitch this top and bottom of the ribbon or do the same with a sewing machine but if you want the stitch free version use fabric glue between the ribbon layers and use paper clips to hold it in place while it dries.
- If sewing, now stitch the other side of the velcro to the ribbon on the feathers. If not, use the glue (or I bought adhesive velcro) to attach the other side. Always put the velcro onto its twin on the jeans then pin the feather over this so make sure the angles and spaces is right before you permately attach them, and your done.

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