Rocket and Parmesan Salad
A basic rocket salad is the perfect accompaniment for so many dishes. If you get organic or even better homegrown rocket, its so wonderfully peppery, a little heat in such a light leaf. I love to serve as an companion or base to starters, or as one of the many extras with pasta, tarts or a salad dish. I think keeping it simple is the key. This may seem like a stupidly simple recipe, but I think its important to have a knowledge of the basics to which you can add more technical excitements.
What you'll need
1 bag of Rocket leaves (or two large handfuls)
50g of Parmesan
Good Olive Oil
Thick Balsamic Vinegar (if you cant get a thick one, you can make a reduction by simmering it)
Salt and Pepper

- Wash the leaves and dry them in a salad spinner.
- Use a vegetable peeler to shave flakes of parmesan, the more you do the better really.
- Arrange the leaves on a serving plate and drizzle first the olive oil and then the thick balsamic.
- Sprinkle the parmesan over the top and season with salt and pepper.

Top Tip
Don’t leave this salad to sit around for too long before serving, part of the yumminess is the freshness of the leaves.
If you want to add a little extra excitement to this salad as a started, add peeled and quartered peaches and some crumbled hard goats cheese. Or grilled some pears and add some toasted walnuts and blue cheese. Really the additions from this basic are endless.