Nectarine Amaretto Custard Pots
These ridiculously simple and delicious pots are perfect for a weekday dinner parties when you want to impress but don’t want the stress.

What you'll need
4 Amaretto cookies
1 Tub of best shop-bought Fresh Custard
3 Nectarines (or 5 Apricots)
2 Tbsp Caster Sugar
Welcome to the first recipe in my new kitchen! This is probably the easiest thing to make I have ever published. Although with a bit more time and skill you can replace the shop-bought-custard for home made. Which is slightly more time consuming but very doable. The key being, to heat it very slowly on a low heat, and stir constantly. However I think the best quality shop bought custard from local deli’s is almost as good (in London I love Daylesford and The Grocer for this kind of product. But M&S, Waitrose an Tesco all do a better quality custard option which is normally pretty good too). I’m not into boozy puddings, but if you are, add a generous dash of apricot liquor to the puree after cooking for an extra kick of flavour. These puddings will keep well for half a day or so, cling filmed in the fridge, so you can make them in the morning ready for supper that night. They are much more flavoursome (as all fruit is) as room temperature so do get them out in time for them to warm up. They are so fast to make I personally like them fresh when the cookies still have a little bite. I got these gorgeous glasses from Anthropologie.

Slice the first Nectarine to use as decoration on the top.
With the remaining two, add them two a bowl of boiling water and after 5 mins peel them.

Chop the peeled Nectarines and add them to a saucepan on a low heat with the Caster Sugar. Using a sauce whisk smush and stir the fruit until soft and slightly reduced. This should take 5-10 mins.

Start with a Tbsp of the Nectarine Puree, then crumble over a Cookie for each glass. On top of this add enough custard to come nearly to the top of the glass (or 3/5 ratio with the other layers).

Top the glass with a few slices of fresh Nectarine and then a dollop of the Puree.