Day to Night
The Bruton Collection from William & Son has the perfect selection of day and night bags. Classic, timeless pieces for even the most discerning luxury bag shopper.

New classic bags are harder and harder to come by. So many fads come and go, the bag of the moment is replaced over and over again. Enduring design is the aspiration, but so rarely achieved. Only a few luxury brands have achieved it, and once you have those designs where do you look to get your designer bag hit? I love bags and I have found in the past few years my passion for shoes has been eclipsed by my passion for bags. I always want something new, but I only really like classic timeless styles. I am always looking for brands that offer both, workmanship, the best quality materials and a sophisticated aesthetic. I prefer bags that have clean lines and elegant hardware. Finally I have found a new brand that feeds my addiction. William & Son represents all these characteristics. They use the best materials to create timeless bags that speak of the passion that went into making them.
When they asked me to shoot my favourite bags from their collection I was delighted. I first saw their pieces at an event at the National Portrait Gallery earlier this year, and I was taken by the sophisticated aesthetic and very London feeling behind them. I loved the combination of beading and leather. They felt uptown, grown up and effortless. I love supporting brands that have heritage and history. William & Son has a Royal Warrant and was first established in 1999 by the seventh generation of the Asprey Family, William Asprey. Their products encompass British designs and interests; fine jewellery, leather goods, silver, glassware and luxury games. Whenever possible their pieces are produced with British craftsmen who work exclusively for the brand. Their beautiful flagship store is located on Bruton Street and well worth a visit for a truly English luxury shopping experience.
Their Bruton collection was originally designed to celebrate the opening of the flagship store, two years ago. The colours of the range run from classic neutrals to vibrant pops, and new exotic skins and fabrics. The Gala collection is their new evening bag selection, inspired by the dazzling gowns featured in paintings in the National Portrait Gallery’s Tudor Room. I love to wear the larger pieces for work (you can fit so much in their tote and shoppers) and then carry one of their clutches inside for small pieces or as on-tap evening bag. Although even choosing from their gorgeous evening bag collection is a genuine challenge – they are all so lovely. I particularly love the Mini Bruton clutches. They have such refined colour options. So often paler or neutral bags are just off a little. Not so with the William & Son pieces. They have the perfect undertones, making them so versatile and wearable.

The William & Son bags I have featured in order of appearance…
Bruton Square Shoppper in Toffee Alligator
Bruton Envelope Clutch in Ocean Calfskin and Alligator
Mini Bruton Day Bag in Sky Textured Calfskin
Gala Collection Mini Bruton Clutch in Petal Alligator
Gala Collection Mini Bruton Clutch
I’m also wearing in the day a Majorelle Dress, a Asos Hair clip, a Richmond and Finch Phone case and Joseph Azagury shoes customised by The Restory.
In the evening I’m wearing a Needle and Thread Dress and Sarah Flint Shoes.