You know the texture of old photographs? When they have a slightly dusty finish, a grain under finger and a slightly desaturated finish? You’re not sure if the dust was in the air when the photo was taken, or on the paper your holding. The kind of light dust you see playing in the light of old homes. That still indoors feeling was what I wanted too capture in these images. That timeless breathlessness.
This story was shot at Chateau du Grand Luce during my visit in the summer for my end of 30th Birthday. I’m wearing a Chanel dress (Look 76 Métiers d’Art Paris-Hamburg 2017/18), Plume de Chanel earrings and Boyfriend watch (c/o). I wish I could remember which lipstick I’m wearing but it totally escapes me. I do remember that I’m wearing the Sensai Mascara and the Dior Backstage foundation.