Frenchie To Go

Frenchie To Go
This little dinner is a real treasure. Imagine the combination of english quality meat (the van from an organic supplier arrived as we were eating), america rich diner flavours and french quality and bread. Frenchie’s is the hybrid of these elements. I ate one of the best sandwiches I have ever had here. A Ruben, that was moist and flavoursome, with a delicate and fragrant pickle, and french fries so crisp they would pass even Heston’s standards. Also on the menu are lobster rolls, fish and chips and cheesecake.
Frenchie To Go (breakfast and lunch) is the takeaway diner bar type sister of Frenchie the Restaurant and Wine Bar (the supper option). It’s really casual and some of their food is even available on delivery apps. So even if you cant make it in you can still grab a taste of this epic food.
It was recommended by the wonderful Carin, its always worth seeing what else she is doing on Paris in Four Months.