Casual Black Duffle
I realised recently that I’ve got into the habit of posting quite formal looks. I’m not sure when it started but it does seem to have become a theme. I was worried that perhaps that wasn’t a very rounded view of what I wear. So I recently asked you if you’d like to see more casual looks, the reply was yes, so from now on I will try and post a casual look every now and then.
I wanted the photos of these more casual posts to look different from my more creative formal outfit posts, so I have decided to shoot them in a totally different way. They will all be photographed in this very simple and clean style. Against a plain backdrop; front, side, back and details. That’s it. Hopefully you will enjoy this new element to my content. Like a fresh mint tea after a rich meal!
I wanted to start the series with something I’m really excited about, it’s been a year in the making but finally I have my first sample. The Peony Lim Duffle Coat. It will be going on sale in my shop next year and I hope you will love it too.