Blackberry Bramble Jam
This jam is wonderful on freshly baked scones. Some people aren’t keen on bramble jam (preferring Jelly) because they don’t like the texture, however if you pick small blackberries and follow the recipe below I find the texture is lovely and not bitty at all.

What you'll need
400g Blackberries
400g Preserving Sugar
1 Lemon Zest and Juice
- Wash the blackberries allowing any dry parts from the bush to float to the surface and wash away.
- Place the lemon zest and juice in a preserving pan with the blackberries and mush them together over a low heat with a wooden spoon. This will release the juices.
- Boil for 7mins or until the jam reaches 105ºC.
- Rest off the heat for 5mins.
- Then pour into sterilised jars.

Top Tip
If you slightly under boil it, you will get a pouring consistency that is great for drizzling on puddings and cakes.
Jam on the knife, Jelly on the spoon.