The Chedi Muscat
You may remember that I recently went to Oman on holiday. Since the summer was taking so long to come in London I thought I better chase some sun. This is the hotel I stayed at (which you will have seen in the background of some of my outfit posts). It was a lovely hotel with the most amazing long pool, set in front of huge desert mountains that summoned visions of biblical scenes, leading down to the the beach in front of which the hotel is situated.
The Chedi is very much part of the genre of hotels that are enclosed encampments, preened and perfected by a huge staff of garderners and staff. It's well worth getting a a club room from which you can enjoy a lovely view over the water gardens and the treat of complimentary tea and cocktails everyday. Nearby trips can also be taken to the sook, desert and out to watch dolphins and other sea life. All only a short flight from Europe.