Learning to Walk
Learning to walk seems to be harder than I imagined. There’s a lot of getting up again after you fall. It’s amazing really that we don’t retain more of that infant blind belief in conquering things we fail at on the first attempt. Imagine if we went after everything in our lives with the persistence and cheerful bounce back that babies apply to learning to walk. Food for thought. The world could be our oyster.

Watching a baby learn how to walk has got to be one of the cutest and most terrifying things to behold. Although the takeaway is surely that the only way to succeed is to try and try again. When you stumble, when you fall, when it hurts… to continue, to persevere, to believe that the goal is always achievable. The only person that needs to believe in you, is you.
These are the simple messages of childhood that are so easy to forget. A little confidence chipped away here, a little confidence knocked there. Apparently it takes ten times as many positives to erase a negative. I hope I give people more positives than negatives in that ratio. It’s something worth thinking about before any of us gives ‘constructive criticism’ or just down right trolls someone in the virtual or real world. Does that negativity really need an outlet? Isn’t it better to lift each other up? Would you want to someone to say that to you? Am I spreading love or hate?
I’ve never left a single negative comment on a post, gram or anything else. I dont intend to. Ever. It’s just not for me.
I think it is the responsibility of every single one of us to create a world (virtually and IRL) that is better. More positive, inclusive and more hopeful for the next generation.

Glasses c/o Taylor Morris
Necklaces Etsy and Peony Lim Jewels
Belt Hermes
Trousers Miguelina
Bracelets Peony Lim Jewels, Roxanne Assoulin and c/o Crystal Bisous
Rings Peony Lim Jewels
Baby Dress Dior
Baby Hat Amazon
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