Day 5 PFW SS13
Chanel day is one of the most exciting days of Paris Fashion Week. It is an institution that it is my absolute joy to have witnessed. There is nothing like the scale and magnitude of the Chanel show at Grande Palais. This means that there is even more freedom to wear the most exciting and elaborate clothes. I love to play dress up (obviously!) but there aren’t very many occasions where you really get to during the day. So I always make sure to have extra fun making an effort for Chanel. This season I wore this stunning Patricia Chang dress. You may remember that I wore some of her pieces last season, in London and Paris. I love her work it is beyond amazing in terms of both cut and detailing. Embellishments are one of the loves of my life and she really does them like the best. Definitely make a trip over to her site and look through the collection its wonderful. I can’t wait to see her on Net-a-Porter!

Shoes Alaia
Dress (sample) Patricia Chang
Shirt Tibi (gifted)
Bag vintage
Hairband Marie Mercie
Sunglasses Ottica Mantovani