Canapé Table

Arranging a Table
I love canapés. However when you’re the host, and you’re trying to entertain as well as cook, they can be a lot of work. Even if you’re prepped in advance, heating and plating can be time consuming.
The cold canapé table can be the perfect answer.
Clear a table in your sitting room, or dining room (it also works beautifully in the summer on a table in the garden), wherever the party will be centred around. Then begin in the middle. When I did this table for a party in the summer, I started by placing the ice buckets where I wanted them, as one of the larger elements, you need to base the space around them. I love using metal or wicker buckets for bottles in ice. Then I decorated around underneath them with artichokes and rosemary. In the winter rosemary, mistletoe, spruce, holly, apples, pomegranates and much more can be used to make it festive. Then place jars, platters and wood serving boards around the rest of the table. Filling them with a combination of bread, cheese, fruit, dips (I love taking the centre out of a pumpkin or cabbage – like here – to fill with dip), crudités and much more. Seasonal produce on leaves (I love fig leaves for their shape and scent) make a colourful and edible addition to the table. You could add warm things, like garlic bread, baked cheese (camembert is so delicious) or little pies. Sweet things are also wonderful as are punch bowls with lovely decorated ice.
I really enjoyed laying out this table and the result is so stylish and fun. Try it this year at your seasonal celebrations. Add your own take to my Canapé Table!