Behind the Scenes with Peony and Kit
I can’t believe it’s been a year since I started working with Kit as my photographer. We met before I even had a blogspot, Frances introduced us outside Somerset House during Fashion Week. Kit was so colourful and fun, both in the way she dressed and expressed herself, so I remembered her even though we barely knew each other. Years later I was looking for a new photographer to create a new look with me for the launch of and she was my first choice. I love how work has brought us together but now I’m so thrilled to call her a friend. We get ourselves into the strangest situations shooting. Often hilarious, always unexpected and sometimes down right bazaar. There are certain reoccurring themes in the outakes of my shoots, so I thought I would share them with you. I hope they make you laugh!

- The shoe change. Often we have to walk quite far to get the right location for a shoot. So I wear whatever shoes are by the door until we get to the location and change.
- The near death experience. You couldn’t really tell from the photos but in real life I had to scale a cliff edge to get the shot. That’s partly why I went barefoot, better grip! We get all over the place to get the right location, so I’m often found coming out on my hands and knees from behind a bush!
- When the rain comes. Sometimes we have to drive, walk or even take a train to locations. So when you get there, if it rains there is no choice but to laugh and carry on!
- What did you say?! Nearly all my outtakes have this ear cup pose included. It’s my ‘shout over the traffic/sea/city loader so I can hear you Kit” gesture. It comes free with a comedy face.
- Hair arrangement. As you know I have a lot of hair so lots of finger combing goes on behind the scenes.
- When dogs attack! We have three miniature dachshunds, (two are my parents and one is mine). They tend to be around when I shoot and often that results in a dachshund attack!
- I’m a little freak. Kit likes to capture me at my most odd. Looking like a bean.
- Precision. Getting the styling of things right can take some time. This is me with a ruler for the beauty bag post. Yup a ruler. I’m that cool.
Anyway really I just wanted to say a big Thank You to Kit for all her hard work and friendship.